
News • Funding for research group

How can explainable AI in medicine work?

A new interdisciplinary research group explores issues of explainability and comprehensibility of AI in medicine – and who is responsible when something goes wrong.


News • Public health research

Climate change brings new diseases to Europe – using AI to prepare

Due to climate change, diseases such as West Nile fever reach European countries. With the help of AI and math, institutions can prepare for new infections in the changing climate, new research shows.


News • Neuropathology

Technology offers new insights into pediatric brain tumors

A new study used new molecular analyses to unravel the biological mechanisms of pediatric brain tumors and refine their classification.


Sponsored • Magnetic resonance imaging

State-of-the-art MRI introduced in southern Italy

Medical imaging and radiotherapy equipment company United Imaging are delighted to extend a warm welcome to Cobellis Clinic, the latest treatment centre to join their global family of clients. With an unwavering commitment to providing the highest level of healthcare services, the clinic has made a strategic decision to rely on the manufacturer's state-of-the-art imaging technology.


News • Medical workflow assistance

AI and robotics support for ultrasound imaging

Autonomous robotic ultrasound systems could perform routine examinations and support doctors in the OR. New research shows that these systems can make everyday life easier for medical professionals.


Article • Pros and cons of diagnostic techniques

Liquid biopsy vs. tissue biopsy: Getting the best of both worlds

Tissue biopsy and liquid biopsy can increasingly be used as complementary or alternative approaches, with advantages and limitations to each. While speakers at the recent 35th European Congress of Pathology in Dublin were quick to highlight that liquid biopsy was not about to replace tissue biopsy, the focus looked at the benefits and challenges of each through the lens of four expert speakers.



Article • Focus on radiology

Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)

Imaging without ionising radiation: MRI uses magnetic fields to look inside the body. Keep up-to-date with the latest research news, medical applications, and background information on MR imaging.


Article • Workspace, management, research

Women in healthcare

Long time underrepresented in both leadership positions and research design, women have come a long way in restoring gender equality in healthcare settings. Yet, many challenges still remain. Keep…


Article • Close to the patient

Focus on POCT

Bringing diagnostics to the patient: Point-of-Care-Testing (POCT) is all about examinations close to the patient – in the hospital ward, at the GP, in the ambulance or even in the patient's home.…

Diagnostic imaging

Radiology, sonography and beyond: Keep reading to find out how imaging techniques like MRI, CT and ultrasound can be used in the diagnosis of diseases and the guidance of medical procedures.


Sponsored • Magnetic resonance imaging

Installation of advanced MRI scanner in Prizren

Through the joint efforts of United Imaging and NeuralMed, Prizren Regional Hospital has become the first facility in Kosovo to benefit from United Imaging's cutting-edge diagnostic technology.


News • UK study confirms

Lung cancer screenings: benefits across all socioeconomic groups

Lung cancer screenings save lives – especially for those who live in economically deprived areas, a new study confirms. The researchers further demonstrate the benefits of using low-dose CT imaging.


News • Impact of patient characteristics

Breast cancer AI: unequal performance across ethnicities and age groups

Current AI systems for detecting breast cancer from mammography exams are more likely to produce false-positive results in black women and older patients, a new study finds.

Products from Radbook


From clinical chemistry to digital pathology: Read more about how modern medical laboratories and procedures in pathology play a vital role in the detection and prevention of diseases and in medical research.


News • Integration of microanalysis chips

Establishing microfluidic control technology for blood testing devices

A research group established a microfluidic control technology that can be applied to small blood testing devices and consequently developed a novel integrated immunoassay device.


News • Heteroresistance

Researchers discover new mechanisms behind antibiotic resistance

A new study explores the phenomenon of heteroresistance in bacteria, which is a key driver of antibiotic resistance. Two new discoveries could impact the development of future AMR strategies.


News • Axon vulnerability to damage

Male and female brains are different – and so are the effects of concussions

Structural differences in male and female brains might explain why women are more prone to concussions and experience longer recovery from the injury than men, according to a new preclinical study.

Products from Labbook


Medical innovations are rapidly expanding therapy options for many diseases. Keep reading to find more information on new therapies, surgical techniques, effective medication and patient care.


News • Overuse in spite of case reduction

Study: newborns too often receive antibiotics for sepsis prevention

The rate of sepsis in newborns across Sweden has greatly decreased – however, the use of antibiotics for sepsis prevention has not. A new study points out the extent of the overuse.


Article • "Timely" study

Improved care after heart attack on AI-powered telemedicine platform

Coronary artery disease causes more than 1.8 million heart attacks each year in Europe. In most cases, rehabilitation helps the patients to return to their everyday life. But what happens once the…


News • Minimally invasive procedure

Aortic valve replacement: TAVR on par with surgical approach

Decreased rates of death and stroke: new research shows the validity of transcatheter aortic valve replacement in low-risk patients. This advocates a less invasive alternative to surgical options.


Time to bring out the white collars: Read more about the economy and politics of health as well as optimised hospital and patient management.


News • Enhancing collaboration

Nordic university hospitals team up

Five Nordic university hospitals have formed the Nordic University Hospital Alliance (NUHA). The goal is to strengthen relationships and to address healthcare challenges in the Nordic region.


News • A question of liability

Who’s to blame when AI makes a medical error?

Medical AI is advancing gastrointestinal endoscopy – but what happens when it contributes to a medical error? Legal experts are pioneering efforts to develop guidelines on medical AI liability.


News • Profession pressures

Covid-19 pandemic triggered surge in medical staff intention to leave

Burnout, fear of infection, lack of support: One in three doctors and nurses considered leaving their job, or the healthcare profession altogether, during the Covid-19 pandemic, a new study shows.


From AI-based image analysis to virtual therapies: Find out how digitalisation and cutting-edge IT solutions advance the medical landscape.


News • Language barriers for health information

Chatbots get less accurate when health queries are not in English

Chatbots like ChatGPT generally deliver servicable results when asked for healthcare advice. However, new research suggests that the LLM's accuracy drops when languages other than English are used.


Interview • Documentation assistance

Virtual scribes free up physician's time from eHR

Physicians using a virtual scribe spend significantly less time in the eHR, a new study finds. This reduces their burden and frees up time for patient care – and AI could push this even further.


Video • Intra-operative assistance

MRI-guided robotic positioner to enhance neurosurgery precision

New robotic technology could pave the way for more precise MRI-guided stereotactic surgery, for example by assisting with cannula/needle targeting during deep brain stimulation (DBS) interventions.


When scientific curiosity paves the way for improved healthcare: Read more about promising studies and trials that lead to more effective drugs, procedures as well as medical guidelines.


News • Success of aRCC treatment

New biomarker to better predict immunotherapy response in kidney cancer

Immunotherapy increases survival rates in kidney cancer, but does not work for everyone. A research team developed a new method to predict which patients will benefit from it.


News • Insights into ink

Study links tattoos with increased lymphoma risk

A new study suggests that tattoos could be a risk factor for cancer in the lymphatic system, or lymphoma. Now, the researchers underline the need for more research on the topic.


News • Stratification approach

Using national health data to predict cancer risk

Scientists show that health registry data can be used to predict individual risks for the 20 most common cancer types. This could help to identify high-risk groups and enrol them for screenings. (HiE) - Your guide to world of medical technology in Europe

HiE is a platform for the latest trends in medical technology, innovative procedures and advances in medical research. We cover a broad range of topics from diagnostic imaging, therapy, eHealth, automation, lab and digital pathology to market trends and healthcare insights. We are your guide to the world of medical technology in hospitals and clinics in Europe.
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