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Labbook 2015

Chemistry&Immunochemistry IMMUNOCHEMISTRY Highlights: The measurement of circulating anti-Mullerian hormone (AMH) has been applied to a wide range of clinical applications. The Access AMH assay features convenient transition to automated testing through consistent and standardized results with Beckman Coulter's AMH Gen II assay improve support of fertility assessment through increased sensitivity and precision at the low end of the analytical measuring range. To- day, its use is mainly based on its ability to reflect the number of antral and pre-antral follicles present in the ovaries (the ovarian reserve). Beckman Coulter Ð Anti-Mullerian Hormone (AMH) 14 LABBOOK 2015 Highlights: phi (Prostate Health Index) is an index of three tests and combines the power of those tests into one answer or phi score. The Prostate Health Index is an aid in distinguishing prostate cancer from benign pros- tatic conditions, for prostate cancer detection in men aged 50 years and older with total PSA ≥ 4.0 to ≤ 10.0 ng/mL, and with digital rectal examination findings that are not suspicious for cancer. Prostatic biopsy is required for diagnosis of cancer. Beckman Coulter Ð phi (Prostate Health Index) Highlights: Access 25(OH) Vitamin D Total is a new assay that will expand the Access Bone Metabolism portfolio on the UniCel DxI and Access 2 systems. The assay is standard- ized to the NIST-Ghent ID-LC-MS/MS Reference Method Procedure (RMP) and provides excellent stability and reproducibility. Features include a unique, opaque reagent pack designed to prevent light-induced reagent degradation; convenient assessment of deficient popu- lations through a broad dynamic range; and speed and flexibility through instrumentation options (available on Beckman Coulter's Access 2 and DxI immunoassay platforms). Beckman Coulter Ð Vitamin D Assay Highlights: The DIAsource 25OH Vitamin D Total ELISA is a competitive ELISA assay, based on patented monoclonal antibodies, with a novel pre-treatment step performed inside the ELISA microtiter plate: •• The most user-friendly 25OH Vitamin D Total ELISA assay with breakable wells •• The only 25OH Vitamin D ELISA fully automatable •• FDA approved DIAsource Ð 250H Vitamin D Total ELISA Assay (KAP1971)
